Read about studies that support the use of Coherent Breathing.
Summary of the Coherent Breathing Study
Read this summary of how we conducted a Coherent Breathing study for the long-term care workforce. Positive associations between Coherent Breathing and mental health and quality of work-life outcomes for LTC staff were identified. Findings suggest that Coherent Breathing may be a valuable and straightforward strategy to improve stress and quality of work-life in LTC staff.
Workforce resilience supporting staff in managing stress: A coherent breathing intervention for the long-term care workforce.
DeGraves BS, Titley H, Duan Y, Thorne TE, Banerjee S, Ginsburg, L, Salma J, Hegadoren K, Angel C, Keefe J, Lanius R, Estabrooks CA.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (2023); 1-14. doi: 10.1111/jgs.18727
Process Evaluation of Coherent Breathing Technique
Coming soon!
In addition to the Coherent Breathing study, we conducted a process evaluation, aimed to assess how Coherent Breathing worked, reasons for not completing, and focus group discussions with LTC staff that participated in the project.
Coherent Breathing and Dissociative Symptoms among LTC Staff
Coming soon!
Read the following summary of a study about the prevalence of pathological dissociation among point-of-care staff in LTC homes during COVID-19 and how Coherent Breathing showed the potential in alleviating dissociative symptoms.
First and foremost, we would like to thank the Long-term Care staff who made this work possible by participating in the Breathing study and who welcomed us again to develop the TREC Breathing Toolkit.
We thank TREC Staff: Brittany DeGraves (Project Coordinator, Breathing Study), Tatiana Penconek (Project Coordinator, Breathing Toolkit), Joseph Akinlawon, Madhawa Alahakoon, Toni Chua, Diana Cochrane, Ashley Daigle, Yinfei Duan, MacKinna Hauff, Julie Melville, Krista Milford, Joel Minion, Ravjoot (Robby) Randhawa, Trina Thorne, Heather Titley, Zhenni Xue.
Our Contractors: Gail Boone (Consultant, Breathing study), and on Toolkit Development: Don McLeod (Facilitator), Jim Sutherland (Videographer), Kathleen O’Grady, (Communications), and Erik M. Grice, (Website Developer).
And the original study team: Drs. Carole Estabrooks, Jordana Salma, Kathleen Hegadoren, Liane Ginsburg, Janice Keefe, Sube Banerjee, and Ruth Lanius.